Sunday, January 20, 2013

What PR misconception would you like to clear up?

PR News did an informal poll on Facebook and asked, "What’s the one PR misconception you’d like to clear up?” See it here.

The poll turned up some interesting answers. Many respondents answered with the usual PR is the same as journalism/marketing/advertising etc, PR people are "spin doctors", that PR is all about writing press releases, PR people are glorified "party planners", that PR is BS, and many more.

I think most of the answers were right on. There are a lot of misconceptions about public relations. I think it is our job as PR professionals to try to educate the public on what PR is and clear up those misconceptions. So, PR professionals and students, what is a misconception you would like to clear up?


  1. Common misconception: public relations professionals' sole responsibility is to deal with the press/media.

    1. That is a good one, Ashley. When I tell people that I am working on my master's in PR, they often think that is what a PR professional does. They do not realize the scope of PR and what a versatile occupation it really is.
